SALT launches two books
In the past weeks, the Ateneo SALT Institute launched two books on Catholic religious education and on addressing research mistakes.
In the past weeks, the Ateneo SALT Institute launched two books on Catholic religious education and on addressing research mistakes.
From the 22nd until the 22nd of March 2019, the Ateneo SALT Institute participated in an international conference on “Christian Education and Humanism in the Global Context.” SALT was represented by its Director, Fr. Johnny Go SJ, and Ms. Rita Atienza, Incoming Director of the Ateneo Teacher Center (ATC).
Read More »2019 IWM Conference on “Christian Education and Humanism in the Global Context”
In a lecture with faculty, students, and development workers at the Areté’s Loft, an acclaimed US professor introduced and deepened concepts that find their roots in Paulo Freire’s critical pedagogy.
Dr. Antonia Darder speaks to a full crowd at the Areté’s fourth floor
The February 1 evening talk featured Antonia Darder, the Leavey Presidential Endowed Chair of Ethics and Moral Leadership at the Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.Read More »LMU prof talks about Freire’s pedagogy of love
Knowledge Channel’s Rina Lopez-Bautista has achieved something quite unheard of and undreamt of: Without even realizing it, she managed to bring the Philippines’ top five universities together to collaborate on a certificate program for teachers in the neediest areas of the country.
The PRIME TEAM composed of Ester Ogena, Karol Mark Yee, Johnny Go SJ (Ateneo SALT), Fe Hidalgo (UST), Rina Lopez-Bautista (Knowledge Channel), and Bro. Armin Luistro fsc.